Tuesday, 19 November 2013

November 2013 LASC

The Latin America Solidarity Committee November Coffeehouse was titled:

              Immigration Reform & Justice for Farmworkers

The date was 7-9 pm       Monday       November 18
It was held at  Wick Student Center,  Alumni Lounge, Daemen College,      4380 Main Street
Speakers were Lory Ghertner, Chava Redonnet, Peter Mares.

Dr. John 'Lory' Ghertner, cofounder of Greater Rochester Coalition for Immigration Justice, and                    
     Migrant Support Services of Wayne County, advocating for his Latino farmworker neighbors.

Chava Redonnet, pastor of Iglesia de Sam Remero, ministering to needs of farmworkers in Albion

Peter Mares, Wayne County outreach worker for Catholic Charities and Rural and Migrant Ministry.

The speakers gave us the first-hand picture of the effects of unjust, upside-down laws that create a system that destroys lives.  Jim Bittner,  a Niagara County farmer, also came and spoke eloquently about the fears and hopes of farmworkers.

Many Daemen students attended, and there was very active discussion, especially about immigration issues and how to make contact with organizations aiding farmworkers locally.

We hope to have more information posted here soon.

Photo: www.afteripickthefruit.com/    

1 comment:

  1. Here is more info about the speakers, and the projects that they work on.

    Chava Redonnet: Chava has been the pastor of Iglesia de Sam Romero in the Albion area for over two years, where she ministers to the needs of the local farmworkers. She regularly supports undocumented migrant farmworkers in their ongoing problems with immigration and usually has approximately 12 congregants involved in deportation proceedings. She frequently speaks to organizations about the difficult lives of migrant farmworkers and is a leading voice in the Greater Rochester Coalition for Immigration Justice.

    Peter Mares: Peter came to this country from Mexico in 1969, fortunate enough to enter this country as a Legal Permanent Resident and to become a US citizen 15 years ago. Since arriving in this country, he has advocated for the needs of others first by translating for those around him. He has been the director of La Casa in Sodus, transitional housing for farmworkers since its inception by Wayne County Catholic Charities 7 years ago.
    Peter is actively involved in advocating for and supporting the farmworker community of Wayne County in his role as an outreach worker for Catholic Charities and Rural and Migrant Ministry. He has been instrumental in taking legal action against the abuses of farmworkers and has sacrificed more than anyone should to help those around him.

    Lory Ghertner: Since he last spoke in Buffalo in 2012, Lory has continued to advocate for and support the migrant community in Wayne County and Western NY. He regularly speaks to civic, church, college, and other organizations about the actual plight of farmworkers and their children throughout New York State and across the country. As a founding member of the Greater Rochester Coalition for Immigration Justice, he is on the Steering Committee of the New York Immigration Coalition and leads lobbying and advocacy efforts throughout New York.
    Lory also supports the needs of the children of farmworkers as a mentor in his Kids for College program, helping disadvantaged youth seek their dreams of improving their lives. The Godfather to many Mexican and Mexican American children, he works closely with many families in their attempt to integrate with a society that seems so foreign to them.
