Thursday, 18 April 2013

April 25 local fundraiser, honoring Witness for Peace

L.A.S.C. presents the 32nd Annual Latin America Event
7:30 pm Thursday, April 25th, 2013
Daemen college, 4380 Main Street, Wick Center
Building Justice in Latin America:
Sharon Hostetler, Executive Director, Witness for Peace

Social and refreshments at 6:30 PM 
with Fair Trade and NGO Information Tables
• Speaker at 7:30 PM 

Ticket Prices: STANDARD: $15/Person, PATRON: $30+/Person (includes LASC membership)
Free for students (with identification)
Proceeds Will Benefit LASC’S humanitarian aid efforts

Checks payable to WNY Peace Center/LASC
Send to: WNY Peace Center, 1272 Delaware Avenue,
Buffalo, NY 14209
or call WNYPC at 716-332-3904

The 32nd Annual Father A. Joseph Bissonette
Latin America Event, presented by
The Latin American Solidarity Committee
of the WNY Peace Center

a Chiapas Mexico coffee co-op with ties to Buffalo

Here is a link to an article from the Arizona Daily Star (March 23, 2013)
about the history of Café Justo, a Chiapas Mexico coffee co-op with ties to Buffalo.
You can contact the Peace Center or L.A.S.C. to order some, thanks to Howard Henry.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

The endless horror of Guantanamo


Samir's  now 35 years old -- a Yemeni – continuously incarcerated in
Gitmo for the last 11.4 years, while authorities struggle mightily to
discover the evidence that will prove, beyond a nano-doubt, whatever crime
he committed. The top graduates from all our prestigious civilian and
military schools are trying to uncover that vital information --
information that only Samir has -- which is absolutely critical to U.S.
security, but so far -- after 11.4 years -- the Yemeni still insists on
his innocence.

It should be abundantly clear to every sentient human being that Gitmo
authorities have absolutely zero (I say below zero..) evidence of wrong
doing on Samir’s part: if they did, his trial would have been over 10
years ago.

So the authorities need lots of help -- Samir’s help --  in the form of
his confession.

Why can't Samir confess to his crimes? He's torturing us!

It would help financially if he confessed, saving US taxpayers a bundle.
Apart from defense, we are investing $800,000 per year for his
incarceration, for each of those 11.4 years: that's $9.12 million spent to
date -- and still expressions of innocence pore from his lips, as he hangs
from the Cross in Gitmo prison.

Never in the history of human civilization, have so many, invested so much
money, in one person still languishing in crucifixion.

Feeding tubes -- the modern day equivalent of Jesus' nails -- inserted
into his stomach by eight members of the Extreme Reaction Force (ERF) clad
in riot gear -- pump fluids into his distended stomach as his arms and
legs are strapped to the bed.

"I spent 26 hours in this state, tied to the bed. During this time I was
not permitted to go to the toilet. They inserted a catheter, which was
painful, degrading and unnecessary. I was not even permitted to pray."

Still, after soiled clothes...we await for his confession. Samir's still
torturing us!

Did the helmeted Roman's look any different from the ERFs 2000 years ago;
did the Romans do anything different 2000 years ago? Do our religious
institutions do anything different today? Do governments do anything
different today? Do our educational institutions do anything different

We certainly do things differently today: Jesus had a trial 2000 year ago
and faced his accusers,  before being nailed the Cross. Today, you're
strapped to the Cross with feeding tubes...and the trial starts upon your
confession. Bon appetit!

Oh, this mightily dangerous 77 lbs man! After 11.4 years, he's still
torturing us!

As our country descends into  feeding tube frenzy, let us therefore brace
ourselves to our duty, and so bear ourselves that, if the American Empire
and its Corporations lasts for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This
was their finest hour.'

At this rate, it could be...



1. Gitmo is Killing Me, by SAMIR NAJI al HASAN MOQBEL, NY Times, April 14,
2013. Samir has been in Gitmo for.....11.4 years without charge.
2. Military spending: for some good info.
3. Guantánamo: the most expensive prison on earth, by By CAROL ROSENBERG,
Miami Herald, Nov 25, 2011.
4. Apologies to Winston Churchill
5. Thank you Edwina Gateley!

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Peaceful Conflict Resolution
  Peace Jam Buffalo’s Conference Trip
PeaceJam Buffalo went to the PeaceJam NE Conference in at U-Conn Storrs April 5-7, and it was fantastic. Thanks to many kind donors, we were able to bring seven teens to the conference. Featured Nobel Peace Laureate Jody Williams got that prize in 1997 due to the successful banning of landmines internationally (the US remains one of the holdouts). She has turned her focus to robot killers. A Google search brings up movies, but scientists are developing robots that operate on land, sea, and air that will, under specified circumstances, kill people without any human intervention (today’s drones still have an operator). The youth were excited by Jody’s presence, her zeal to stop militarism, her down-to-earth ways, and her interest in them.
They were also inspired by each other. They loved being part of an international movement, something bigger than themselves; as well as being surrounded by a couple hundred like minded peers working for nonviolence, peace, and justice. About a dozen people from Newtown were there, talking about their pain and devoted action. The Newtown teens gave a workshop about their lobbying and organizing. Our Buffalo youth gave a hip-hop dance workshop which was a big hit. Co-Adviser Jan Burns (of Erie County Council for the Prevention of Alcohol and Substance Abuse, co-sponsor and host to PeaceJam Buffalo) and I couldn’t attend as we also gave a workshop, on - you guessed it – Peaceful Conflict Resolution, but our Carlanda Wilson was able to go and videotape the workshop. [You can see the video by/ at_____________.]
PeaceJammers also presented their Global Call to Action (GCA) project to Jody and each other. (The youth are the ones to pick their own project.) PeaceJam Buffalo’s GCA is focused on Breaking the Cycle of Violence, and doing it by “coming together as one”- CTAO - gathering for discussion, planning, working, and increasing understanding through increased community. Discussion is to include Restoring the Earth’s Environment, Stopping Child Maltreatment, and Ending Racism and Hate. Please join us on June 1, 11 am, at St. Columba-Brigid, 75 Hickory St, Buffalo where we will have a very diverse gathering which will include education, inspiration, and action. It’ll be a win-win for sure.
Lastly, our PeaceJammers are not only inspired but inspiring. Whenever I told anyone I was from Buffalo, they always said, “Oh, your kids are wonderful!” or “Yes, _ [name] ____ is in my family group! I learned so much from her” or “He is so great, one of the best people I know!” They met with enthusiastic appreciation at the contra-dance they went to as invited - a first for all of them – at the UCC Church where we stayed. I felt very proud of them, as would/will you. Please remember to save the date of June 1 as described above, and you’ll feel new hope for the future. We look forward to seeing you there.